Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.


A simple plugin to get google map with multiple markers and each marker can be linked with post (shown as modal or info window).

Free version

  • 1 map
  • 1 map setting
  • Maximum 6 markers
  • Maximum 2 legends

PRO version

  • Unlimited map
  • Unlimited map settings
  • Unlimited markers
  • Unlimited legends
  • Pay once and use it in Unlimited sites
  • Lifetime update and Unlimited support


  • Map demo
  • Add settings
  • Adding multiple shapes with Google Map Drawing Manager
  • Shapes and relevant fields


  1. Search „wpgmap“ in plugin directory
  2. Install and activate
  3. Create a settings and save it as default
  4. Create map and once saved use shortcode to anywhere

Using legend and markers

  1. Create category
  2. Create post under those category
  3. Select category as legend
  4. After creating marker link post inside each shape


How to show dashed and border legend

After selecting legend name add double colon (::) and write dashed or bordered
e.g. Category name::dashed or Category name::bordered

How to get google map api key



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  • First release