Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.



Create a list with all the posts, grouped by months and years like a tree of contents. This plugin is based on SRG Clean Archives but modified to be faster and not using additional libraries.


  • Easy install
  • Clean list of your posts
  • No additional configuration is required
  • Easy to use

How to Use

  • Create a page called archives.
  • On page created to insert the text:



  • Screen with archives page.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload folder wp-archives to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress


29. August 2017
I installed this plugin 8 (!!!!) years ago and haven’t touched it ever since. Using the latest Wordpress version it still works like it should. Thanks!
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