Fully adjustable scroll to top tool for your site. Now with SVG icons!
Easily adapts to any theme. You can change type (button or sidebar), size, shape, icon, color and much more. Dynamically binds to the page and, thus, does not affect SEO. This plugin uses Color Picker jQuery plugin for easy way to change colors of Your button or sidebar. Tested in browsers: Internet Explorer 7 – 11, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera.
- type of scroll tool (button or sidebar);
- size and position of the tool;
- colors of the button/sidebar;
- disable for small mobile screens option;
- animated scroll motion option;
- translucency of the tool option;
- scroll down to the last viewed position option.
Go to „Plugins -> Add New“ section of your WordPress admin panel and use search field to find, install and activate the plugin. Select „Appearance -> Scroll tool“ on the left sidebar menu to adjust scroll tool settings.
You can follow instructions below for alternative installation:
1. Use „Download“ button on this page to get the installation package of the plugin.
2. Go to your WordPress admin panel and select „Plugins -> Add New“ on the left sidebar menu.
3. Find and click on the „Upload Plugin“ button.
4. Select downloaded package on your computer and click „Install Now“ button.
5. Click on the „Activate Plugin“ link after you receive „Plugin installed successfully.“ message.
6. Select „Appearance -> Scroll tool“ on the left sidebar menu to adjust scroll tool settings.
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Initial release.
Scroll tool front-end JS-script moved from the main HTML-page to the attached JS-file.
Inline JavaScript integration improved using wp_localize_script() function. JavaScript is properly escaped and quoted now.
Mentioned above function takes care of the required CDATA tags to pass XHTML validation.
SVG icons added. PNG icons size optimized.