Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Yappa Widget


Yappa is fast becoming the web’s most popular audio and video commenting system trusted by thousands of publishers and digital broadcasters to increase reader engagement, grow your audience and traffic, greater authentic interaction, using video and voice, monetize content.

Yappa For: Bloggers, Web Publishers, Podcasters, TV/Radio Broadcasters, Social Commentators, Gamers, Forums, Reviews and Customer Support Services.

Your Community Back in your Hands

The Yappa audio and video commenting tool helps publishers of all sizes engage directly with their audiences to build brand loyalty, retain readers, and foster thriving communities. Whilst we love them, platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have taken too much control of your audience as a publisher. By bringing the conversations back to your ‘own’ website, users will be more engaged around your content, in ‘your’ environment, instead of on a 3rd party social platform.

We’re committing Yappa to help increase the collective health, openness and civility of public conversations on-line, and to hold ourselves publicly responsible and accountable in our over all digital communications.

Yappa for WordPress plugin allows website owners, publishers, podcasters, radio, TV, broadcasters and developers easily embed Yappa onto their platforms, replacing the default WordPress comment system. Yappa installs in minutes and you can start ‘Yapping’ immediately and browsing comments.

Why Yappa?

  • Simple one-click installation that seamlessly integrates with WordPress, without ever needing to edit a single line of code. As Yappa does not need to replace your existing comment solution, you’re simply adding a new innovative way to communicate with your users.
  • Increases user-user engagement, community engagement, customer loyalty, and publisher brand personality.
  • Improves understanding of user personalities, allowing users to utilize their voices to validate your content.
  • Keep users engaged, increase session times on your site with an audio/video commenting experience readers love
  • Bring users back to your site with web, email and in browser notifications
  • Improve SEO ranking with user generated content being created with Yaps  
  • For the first time EVER users are able to share comments, better known as Yaps on Twitter, and Facebook
  • Keep spam out by previewing any comments that has been flagged before publishing.
  • Single profile for commenting across multiple sites including social login support for Facebook, Twitter, and Google accounts

Yappa Features

  • Audio and Video comments can be uploaded and streamed via the Yappa tool
  • Syncs comments automatically to WordPress for backup and flexibility if you ever decide to switch to a different platform
  • Yappa’s audio and video commenting tool can be easily embedded into websites, mobile platforms, podcasts and broadcast outlets such as TV and Radio
  • Loads synchronously with advanced caching so that Yappa doesn’t affect your site’s performance
  • Yappa transcribes audible words from our UGC (user generated content) into text on the back end
  • Yappa’s back-end Client Comment Management Program (CCMP) will automate a website’s audible comment traffic. This is achieved through transcribing audible comments to text. The text will be indexed as keywords, giving publishers an easy way to indent, what your users/readers are Talking about via the CCMP. This also allows for audible comment threads to be searchable via topics, categories and trends.
  • Monetization options to grow revenue  
  • Detailed analytics dashboard for measuring overall audio and video engagement on your website
  • Mobile responsive design

Yappa Engagement Features

  • Realtime audio and video comments system with fun discussion interactions: seeing or listening to your users fore the 1st time, voting, image and video upload
  • Rich media embed (Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vimeo, and more)
  • Sharing your comments ‘Yaps’ on 3rd party platforms such as; Facebook, and Twitter
  • When posting a video comment, you can adjust the brightness, and preview your video and or audio comment before posting your Comment (Yap)
  • Threaded comment display (nested 2 levels) with ability to collapse individual threads
  • Sort conversations and discussions by oldest, newest, and best comments 
  • Flexible login options – Social login with Facebook, Twitter, and Google mail
  • Instant activity notifications, email and in browser notifications
  • User profiles that show your recent comment history and frequented communities
  • Yappa for Podcast: by changing the feature the mode, Yappa becomes a fully functional podcast tool, which allows publishers to record or upload audio/video podcasts up to 2 hours in length. Giving users/listeners the ability to comment on any podcast within the same environment.
  • Yappa for TV- Yappa’s audio video commenting tool allows TV broadcasters to seamlessly download and integrate ‘Yaps’ or audio/video comments into ‘live’ or pre recorded TV broadcasts.
  • Yappa for Radio- Yappa’s audio video commenting tool allows Radio broadcasters to seamlessly download and integrate ‘Yaps’ or audio/video comments into ‘live’ or pre recorded radio broadcast.

Yappa Moderation Features

  • Automatic anti-spam filter powered by Yappa’s word flagging system. By pre selecting and in putting words/phrases inappropriate for your website, in the language preference settings, secures that a ‘yap’/comment that has any of those words featured, will be automatically flagged to the publisher for review before being published.
  • Automated pre-moderation controls to flag comments based on links, user reputation
  • Using voice/face brings a feeling of authentic ownership to users and discourages trolling.
  • Email notifications for newly posted comments, ‘Yap’ replies
  • Moderation Panel that lets you search, filter, sort, and manage your comments
  • Self-moderation tools like user blocking, comment flagging

24hs Support

  • Search our Community guidelines and Privacy Policy for solutions to common troubleshooting questions
  • Check out our support community, info@yappaapp.com, to see if your question has been answered
  • Talk to our Support team at yappaapp.com/support
  • Visit our Getting Started page to learn the basics of how to use the Yappa tool. Check out the tutorial videos, how to’s and start ‘yapping’

Publishers to increase reader engagement, grow audience and traffic, and monetize content. Yappa helps publishers of all sizes engage directly with their audiences to build loyalty, retain readers, and foster thriving communities, by using a communication mode we use every day, our voices and or ourselves in vision.

YAPPA: Community Engagement Just Got Better


  • Widget before login
  • Viewing Yaps(comments) on page
  • Recording a Yap (comment)


  1. Go to „Plugins“ > „Add Plugin“
  2. Search for „Yappa Widget“ by Yappa
  3. Click **“Install Now“
  4. Activate the plugin
  5. From the Install page of the Yappa plugin settings, follow the Automatic Installation steps to set up yappa on your site. During this process, you will need to create a yappa account and register your site. This also creates the API application required for enabling Comment Syncing.

NOTE: It is recommended that you backup your database before installing the plugin.

Yappa is fast becoming the web’s most popular audio and video commenting system trusted by thousands of publishers and digital broadcasters to increase reader engagement, growing audience and traffic, greater authentic interaction, using video and voice, monetize content.by default. To enable syncing, you’ll need to set it up either by creating an API application.


21. Juni 2019
This is a fantastic plugin and super easy to install. Never heard of anything like this until now. Now time to sit back and see what happens.
12. März 2019
I came across this plugin yesterday, downloaded and within a couple of clicks it’s installed and working. No lines of code, not hours of customisation – works „straight out of the box“ as such. I am really enjoying this plugin and the social sharing is really taking off on my site. 5 stars
12. März 2019
This is a great widget! I own a couple of Wordpress sites and now have this on all of them. The install and integration is super easy – which is important to me and I’m not hugely technical. Since using this I am finding that engagement is up and my site is having more of that community feel. That’s exactly what I needed and wanted. Top marks to the Yappa team
12. März 2019
Yappa is a great tool in wordpress.I can now have users having conversations in my blog increasing views in my website rather than having the engagements in other 3rd party social platforms.The easiness in integration is something i like about yappa
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  • Add capability to work with infinite scroll plugins.


  • Add capability to work in different environment settings.


  • Solves incompatibility issues with the Media Library


  • First public of the plugin