This plugin has been closed as of 24. Oktober 2024 and is not available for download. Grund: Sicherheitsproblem.
17. Oktober 2024
The plugin does exactly what it says on the tin and the instructions on how to set it up on the developer’s site are very clear. Thanks to the developer who was able to help me and did so very quickly and accurately.
24. Juli 2024
Хотелось бы выразить благодарность разработчикам. Отличное решение! Отдельное спасибо за оперативную поддержку.
16. Juni 2024
1 reply
Working great with simple clicks,doing the base function well but have some idea for improvment :Receive File ( image , excel , zip .. ) from telegram and let use download the file ( very useful ) ,Send message by Enter ( mobile and pc ) ,Play a sound when Receive message ,Notify user that support ( person who reply from telegram ) is online and show user typing status
4. November 2023
After using several TG+chatbot application in other projects, I come back Wordpress and find almost every live chatbot is asking extra$$$ for mobile app integration. Just about to code my own and found this great plugin. Thank you team!
4. November 2023
really great It has excellent support
17. Oktober 2023
Давно искал чат именно через Телеграм бота чтоб работал. Очень удобно, отвечаешь сразу в Телеграме, не нужно устанавливать отдельные приложения и тд. Поддержка на высшем уровне!
Спасибо автору!
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