Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

WP World Travel


Home Page: http://globetrooper.com/notes/wordpress-world-travel-plugin/

With WP World Travel, you can do the following:

  • Display your Current Location to readers
  • Display your Travel Schedule to readers
  • Allow readers to propose Meetups in each location

The mantra of Globetrooper is to help people travel the world together. And the purpose of the WP World Travel
plugin is the same. Of course, as a travel blogger, it also makes sense to display your travel plans and
meetup with readers around the globe.

View a LIVE demo of the plugin at http://globetrooper.com/notes/. You’ll find the plugin in the sidebar under the
heading ‚Current Location‘. Click the links in the widget to test the full functionality.


  • Sidebar widget with Schedule opened.
  • Admin for Travel Schedule
  • Admin for proposed Meetups


  1. Upload wp-world-travel.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
  3. Drag the widget into a sidebar through the ‚Widgets‘ menu under ‚Appearance‘ in WordPress


How do I change my Current Location?

In the WordPress dashboard you will find a menu for Schedule. That is where you can add your travel plans. The Current
Location is chosen from your future destinations. The plugin finds the location where the ‚from‘ date is BEFORE today
and the ‚to‘ date is AFTER today.

How am I notified of proposed Meetups?

All Meetups are recorded to WordPress so you can find them when you log into the Dashboard. You may also receive
an email notification if your server is setup correctly. Also check you spam folders if you are not
receiving the emails.


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  • Fixed duplicate ID


  • Removed signature link as per WP terms


  • Now able to show previous places visited
  • Now the schedule link is hidden in expanded view


  • Now able to hide the Meetup link
  • Non-English dates are working properly


  • Fixed month name to match foreign locale


  • Fixed widget title bug – you can now edit the title afterwards
  • When you deactivate, the widget is now auto removed from your sidebar


  • Fixed link bug


  • Allowed user to specify country only (specific place/city not mandatory)


  • Fixed default value for text links bug
  • Fixed boolean settings update bug


  • Check if schedule exists before displaying widget text
  • Localize terms from WP core language files
  • Ability to customise text in widget for terms not in WP core language files
  • Now suitable for WP in other languages


  • Fixed jQuery conflict
  • Fixed Meetup heading pushing location box to next line
  • Fixed email validation error


  • This is the first release version.