WP-ViperGB is a WordPress plugin designed to replicate the appearance and behavior of the discontinued Viper Guestbook project. It makes it easy to add a stylish and user-friendly guestbook to your blog.
- Create user-friendly guestbooks without writing a single line of code.
- Lives in a standard WordPress page and uses comments for entries, so moderation and antispam functionality works as normal.
- Two-View layout provides one view for submitting entries and another for reading them.
- Automatic paging of entries to customizable length.
- Show icons for country, browser, and OS in visitor signatures.
- Admin-panel stylesheet selector allows easy skinning to suit your theme.
- No bloat: Uses existing WordPress faculties so no custom database tables are required.
- Simple PHP template function allows programmers to manually embed standalone guestbooks in any template they wish.
For a Demo, see the plugin’s homepage.
Many hours have gone into developing & maintaining this plugin, far beyond my own personal needs. If you find it useful, a donation would be greatly appreciated.
This plugin uses standard WordPress comments for its entries – it is essentially a fancy whole-page comment form skin. It does not collect any data beyond that which would normally be included in standard WordPress comments. Please refer to the WordPress documentation for details on what information is stored with comments.
Please direct all support requests here
Download the most recent version of the plugin from here, unzip it, and upload the extracted files to your
directory. -
Login to your WordPress admin panel and activate the plugin.
Create a new Page (i.e. „Guestbook“).
Navigate to Settings -> WP-ViperGB.
Use the provided dropdown to select the Page you created above.
Click „Save,“ and you’re done! You can now enjoy your new guestbook.
Customization options are discussed on the plugin’s website.
Mitwirkende & Entwickler
„WP-ViperGB“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
Mitwirkende„WP-ViperGB“ wurde in 2 Sprachen übersetzt. Danke an die Übersetzerinnen und Übersetzer für ihre Mitwirkung.
Übersetze „WP-ViperGB“ in deine Sprache.
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1.6.2 (2024-05-22)
- Fix minor security vulnerability related to saving options in the admin panel
1.6.1 (2022-11-05)
- Fix an error_log when visiting a nonexistent page (404), introduced in the previous release
1.6.0 (2022-11-05)
- Compatible with block themes (i.e. Twenty Twenty-Three)
- Tested with WP 6.1
1.5.0 (2022-01-14)
- Compatible w/ PHP 8
1.4.8 (2021-03-24)
- Fixed button css class in the admin panel
- Changed the donate link
- Tested with WP 5.7
1.4.7 (2020-12-08)
- CSS fixes for TwentyTwentyone
- Tested with WP 5.6 (2020-08-27)
- Fix a regression in the previous commit – sorry about that! (2020-08-26)
- Minor: Added a bitcoin donation address to the admin panel & readme
- Tested on WP 5.5
1.4.6 (2019-11-22)
- CSS fixes for TwentyTwenty
- Tested on WP 5.3
1.4.5 (2018-11-22)
- Minor: tested against WP 5.0, & updated some links to https
1.4.4 (2018-06-20)
- CSS fixes for TwentyFifteen
- Added privacy policy
- Tested on WP 4.9.6
1.4.3 (2016-12-09)
- Fix a rare Notice that may occur if WP_DEBUG is defined and you have very old entries that still include user-uploaded images
- CSS fixes for TwentySeventeen
- Minor CSS tweaks to improve spacing on the Sign Guestbook page
- Add an id to the section of the Sign Guestbook page populated by the „comment_form“ action
- Tested on WP 4.7
1.4.2 (2016-04-23)
- Fix an erroneous message if saving the guestbook page as „None“
- Verified with WP 4.5
1.4.1 (2016-01-09)
- Language Pack fix: Add a Domain Path
- Language Pack fix: Remove markup from a few translateable strings
1.4.0 (2016-01-09)
- Add support for WordPress Language Packs
- Add filter vgb_author_name, so you can customize how the author names are displayed (i.e. wrap them in a link, etc)
- Increase copyright year
1.3.18 (2015-12-02)
- CSS fixes for TwentySixteen
- Tested with WP 4.4
1.3.17 (2015-08-08)
- WP 4.3 defaults to ‚comments off‘ for new pages. WP-ViperGB will now detect this, & automatically enable comments on the page selected to be used as a guestbook (as required for it to function).
1.3.16 (2015-06-05)
- XSS security fix (this)
1.3.15 (2015-04-28)
- Add Arabic translation
- Fix a deprecated function call when processing embedded images
- CSS fixes for compatibility with twentyfourteen & twentyfifteen
- Tested with WP 4.2.1
1.3.14 (2015-02-06)
- Trim leftover code from the „upload images“ feature (removed long ago)
- Fix some harmless admin panel notices when saving options if WP_DEBUG is defined
- Fix some harmless frontend notices shown when the „Digg Pagination“ option is enabled & WP_DEBUG is defined
1.3.13 (2014-12-22)
- Updated Norwegian translation
- Add .gbPagination css class to avoid confusion with „pagination“ (used in twentyfourteen & twentyfifteen)
- Add a note to admin page about using pretty permalinks with digg-style pagination
- CSS fixes for twentyfifteen
- Set language of default .po file
- Tested with WP4.1
1.3.12 (2014-12-12)
- Added Norwegian translation (Thanks Hermod Svingerud)
1.3.11 (2014-11-27)
- Fix potential vulneratility with some unescaped options in the admin panel
- Tested with WP 4.0.1
1.3.10 (2014-04-17)
- Tested with WP 3.9
- Change email to link in the copyright notice
1.3.9 (2013-12-12)
- Tested with WP 3.8
1.3.8 (2013-10-25)
- Tested with WP 3.7
1.3.7 (2013-06-10)
- Updated Russian translations
1.3.6 (2013-05-07)
- Remove auth()
1.3.5 (2012-12-26)
- Add „Prev“ & „Next“ strings in digg-style pagination to .po for localization
- Add „required“ strings next to „Name“ and „Email“
- Update the main .po file with the above & some other new items
- Convert some HTML5-invalid attributes (i.e. cellspacing, valign) to CSS
- Updated Hungarian translations
1.3.4 (2012-12-19)
- Add Spanish translation (Thanks William Galeano @
1.3.3 (2012-11-26)
- Fix a few more WP_DEBUG warnings I missed in 1.3.2
1.3.2 (2012-11-26)
- Fix a couple harmless warnings that appear if WP_DEBUG is defined
- Update the ‚Tested Up To‘ version
1.3.1 (2012-11-03)
- Update Russian translations
1.3.0 (2012-10-02)
- New option: Digg-style pagination (thanks Sascha Nebel!)
1.2.1 (2012-09-28)
- New option: only allow registered blog users to sign the guestbook (to discourage spammers)
- The ‚guestbook page‘ dropdown in the admin panel now lists both published and private pages
1.2.0 (2012-08-16)
- Remove the ability to embed images in user signatures. Due to a security exploit discovered in Easy-Comment-Uploads, the script upon which this feature was built, it had to be removed to satisfy WordPress‘ safety guidelines and keep this plugin available.
1.1.30 (2012-03-25)
- Add Dutch translation
1.1.29 (2012-03-24)
- Add Hungarian translation
- Update WordPress compatibility number
1.1.28 (2012-01-28)
- Add Ukrainian translation
- More Swedish translation fixes
1.1.27 (2012-01-28)
- Swedish translation fixes
1.1.26 (2012-01-27)
- Add Swedish translation
1.1.25 (2011-12-09)
- Add Danish translation
- Remove the wp-fb-autoconnect premium button from the „sign“ page
1.1.24 (2011-12-01)
- Remove the „subscribe_reloaded_show“ action from the „sign“ page
1.1.23 (2011-11-28)
- Removed plugin sponsorship messages. See Automattic Bullies WordPress Plugin Developers — Again.
- Update compatibility number
1.1.22 (2011-06-20)
- Updated Turkish translation (now 100% complete)
1.1.21 (2011-06-20)
- Add Turkish translation
1.1.20 (2011-06-14)
- Add Polish translation
- Add Sponsorship message to admin panel
- Update ‚Tested Up To‘ version
1.1.19 (2011-04-20)
- Add French and Czech translations
1.1.18 (2011-04-11)
- Still not working, attempt #2…
1.1.17 (2011-04-11)
- Mark as compatible to 3.1
- Attempt to fix „The plugin does not have a valid header“
1.1.16 (2011-01-25)
- Add German translation
1.1.15 (2011-01-13)
- Updated Russian translation
1.1.14 (2011-01-12)
- Add Italian translation
1.1.13 (2011-01-12)
- Fix parse error
1.1.12 (2011-01-11)
- Add Russian translation
1.1.11 (2011-01-07)
- Even more localization
1.1.10 (2011-01-07)
- Date format is now translatable
1.1.9 (2011-01-07)
- One more untranslated string
1.1.8 (2011-01-07)
- Add a few more untranslated strings
1.1.7 (2011-01-07)
- Oops – more localization fixes
1.1.5 (2011-01-07)
- Fix textdomain for localization
1.1.4 (2010-12-24)
- Add missing UK flag
- Increase „tested up to“ version number
1.1.3 (2010-12-13)
- Works with SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam plugin
1.1.2 (2010-10-30)
- Add return URL to paypal donate button
1.1.1 (2010-08-24)
- Get rid of i18n folder in /easy-comment-uploads (unused)
1.1.0 (2010-08-08)
- Add localization support
- Add flag icon for Serbia
1.0.5 (2010-03-16)
- Use php long tags instead of short tags for server compatability
1.0.4 (2010-03-12)
- New version of easy-comment-uploads; should now work on Windows servers
1.0.3 (2010-03-10)
- More CSS fixes for some themes
1.0.2 (2010-03-09)
- CSS fixes
1.0.1 (2010-03-09)
- Add version number to plugin code
- Small bug fixes & cleanups
1.0.0 (2010-03-08)
- First Release