Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

WP Safe Updates


Test WordPress plugin updates safely before applying them on the live site.

This plugin adds a „test update“ button when plugin updates are available. Clicking it will trigger the creation of a sandbox where you can safely test updating plugins without affecting the live site. Once finished testing the plugin, you can go back to the live site and do the real updates if all is well.

The sandbox works similarly to how WordPress multisite works. We basically tell WordPress to temporarily use a different database prefix and a different plugins directory while in the sandbox, which means while you test the update, no changes are made to the live site.


Please make sure to always have backups of all your WordPress files and database before updating plugins or themes. We are not responsible for any misuse, deletions, white screens, fatal errors, or any other issue arising from using this plugin.


Please contribute to this project on Github. Pull requests welcome!



  • The ‚test update‘ button when an update is available for a plugin
  • Updating the plugin safely in an alternative heap
  • Testing the updated plugin


None yet.


3. September 2016 1 reply
Title says it all. This plugin could remove so many headaches when users update plugins on a live site and then run into problems that they struggle to resolve. Could it also be extended to include the updating of themes?
3. September 2016 1 reply
I know this is in Alpha but I could not get it to work. I did add the cookie code to the config file but I still get prompted asking me to add the code.
3. September 2016 1 reply
Just appreciating the effort to solve this tough problem. Would make the life of many site owners and developers easier.
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Commit log is available at https://github.com/anttiviljami/wp-safe-updates/commits/master