Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

WP Reactions Box


Advanced Post Type Ratings allows users to easily add a visual smilie icons rating system to any post type including custom post types.

The plugin is easily configured via an admin options page, allowing quick configuration of multiple smilie icons ratings.


  • It has Multiple rating criteria (eg. bummer, good, sad, lol etc…).
  • In-built three icons styles (Classic, Glossy Emoji, Dark Emoji ) for rating icons.
  • Allows to share on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ after vote.
  • Graphical bar above all moods which shows percentage of votes.


Goto Settings > WP Reactions Box > Settings Tab to configure plugin settings.

You can also use hkp_reactions_box() PHP function in your templates or use the [hkp_reactions_box] shortcode to show the Reactions Box where you want.

Rating Stats

Goto Settings > WP Reactions Box > Stats Tab to see recent ratings and most rated emotions

For world news, celebrity gossips, movie reviews, photos, videos, and more, visit midtb.org!


  • Classic icons style rating
  • Glossy Emoji icons
  • Dark Icons icons style rating
  • Allows social share after vote


  1. Download „WP Reactions Box“ plugin.
  2. Upload the ‚wp-reactions-box‘ directory to your ‚/wp-content/plugins/‘ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
  3. Activate „WP Reactions Box“ from your Plugins page.


  1. Goto Settings > WP Reactions Box Settings Tab and adjust your configuration & settings.
  2. Use hkp_reactions_box() PHP function in your templates.
  3. you can also use [hkp_reactions_box] shortcode in your theme to show the Reactions Box where you want.


How can I call WP Reactions Box into template

Place hkp_reactions_box() PHP function in your templates

Is there any shortcode for Reactions Box

you can use [hkp_reactions_box] shortcode in your theme to show the Reactions Box where you want.


3. September 2016
Plugin is really awesome, With three different king of emoji emotions. (Y)
Lies alle 2 Rezensionen

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  • Overall WP Reactions Box rating plugin and shortcode.