Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Restrict By Category for WooCommerce


Give access to your users to certain product categories


  • **Give or deny access to woocommerce categories by role.
  • **Give or deny access to woocommerce categories to non logged in user


  • Loading Screen
  • Loading Playback


  1. Upload user-recording-for-wordpress to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the item named ‚User Recording For WordPress‘ in the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress


Is there any frequent asked question?



19. Juni 2018
thank you for this plugin. i was going crazy till i found it . its very very simple to use and it works
2. Juni 2018
Now is when. Activated, visited its page on the Dashboard menu, clicked two checkboxes, and the relevant products and categories were gated off. Even shows the correct alternate views and message so as not to disorient people who would otherwise see little or nothing. Also, I totally get that Administrator is a role anyway, but it’s super easy to test with when you, as the admin, can just toggle yourself on and off to see how your changes affect things.
22. April 2018
If you own a woocommerce shop and need a simple but elegant way to restrict product categories to specific logged-in user roles, well, this is your plugin. WooCommerce Restrict By Category works flawlessly and is easy to use. Install it, then go settings. In each user box select the categories that you want the user to see. That’s it. Simple, and perfect. I searched 5 times before I found this plugin. It should rank higher in the searches. It does the exact job using good UI/UX so that’s why i give WooCommerce Restrict By Category a 5 star rating.
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WooCommerce Restrict By Category 1.1

  • Restrict access to single product if the user doesn’t have access to its category= User Session Recording For WordPress 1.0 =
  • Added support page