WM Child Post wordpress plugins use for showing child post inside Post, Page or Widget area. If you want to active FAQ feature please check FAQ checkbox.
- Show Child Post inside Page or Post page.
- Display Posts or FAQ inside the widget area from specific group.
- FAQ feature enable with „Slide Down“ animation.
- Fully Featured image supported
You can use shortcode using wm-shortcode option without typing.
WM Shortcode: [wmpost title=“Child Post Title“ groups=“html,lorem“ excerpt=true showposts=10 faq=true]
Use WM Shortcode option:
Fill „Post Title“ box for title or leave it blanks if you don’t want to show child post title.
Select group from „Post Groups“ Select options and click „Add“ button from right. Leave it for showing posts from all groups. Click on the group name button for removing selected group.
Default: Content. If you want to show excerpt, Please enable „Show Excerpt“ checkbox.
Input number value in the „Show Posts“ text box if you want to show some posts without all.
Check „FAQ“ checkbox for activate FAQ feature.
- Upload „WM Child Post“ to the
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- Use WM shortcode button from Page or Post
- How can I use WM Child Post shortcode?
You can use wm-child-post shortcode from any post type like Post, Page or Custom Post Type. Just go to Page or Post page and click on the „WM“ shortcode button, select what do you want and click on the insert button.
- How can I active FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Feature?
Just check the FAQ checkbox in WM Child Post shortcode option.
- How can I use specific post?
You can add many groups like tags. Just add a specific group for a post and select that group from WM Child Post shortcode options. You can add many groups from shortcode options.
- Can I show some posts?
Yes – You can show some post without showing all post. Fill the showpost option from WM child Post shortcode. You can leave it blank if you want to show all posts.
- Can I show WM Child Post in widget area?
Yes – You can.
- How can I add WM Child groups?
Click on the any WM Child Post or WM New Post button and add groups from the right side groups box like tags.
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