Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

WHA Puzzle


Puzzle – puzzle game, which is a mosaic that you want to make from the many fragments of the pattern of various shapes.
It is one of the most affordable toys that develop logical thinking, attention, memory, imagination.



  • Individual Setting Page
  • Example with settings on normal screen
  • Example with settings on full screen


  1. Activate Plugin
  2. Add new Puzzle
  3. Copy Puzzle shortcode and paste to any page or post
  4. Set setting for each game.


8. November 2020
Exciting idea with still small weaknesses, but these should not be a problem for the developer. Image selection and speed, number of parts and opacity work perfectly. 1. not all texts can be translated 2. the full screen view cannot be reset, no reset button 3. for a time challenge the previous best time and a nickname entry is missing. Do not stop developing. There is nothing comparable. Good luck, Markus
13. August 2020
Please can you sort out the bug with the code, as the images don’t show. It displays a blank screen with the buttons at the bottom.
26. Mai 2020 4 replies
This is very large of bug it is killing my website be a ware from it
Lies alle 8 Rezensionen

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