Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Website Article Monetization By MageNet


Article Plugin by MageNet is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to monetize your website through the automated placement of third-party content on your site.

To install the Article Plugin, you need to sign in/up to your MageNet account and get your MageNet Key.

With the Article Plugin, you’ll start getting new relevant content on your website automatically. After your approval, this plugin creates a new webpage on your site and place an article from your buyers.

Full control
You have the total control over the content placed on your site even though the Article Plugin does all the content placement work for you. You can reject the task for the content placement if you don’t like the provided content or find it irrelevant to your website niche.

Better chances to rank high in SERPs
With the Article Plugin, you’ll be able to regularly update your website with the new content. As a result, you’ll boost your chances to rank for new keywords in SERPs.

Automated changes
Article Plugin will take control of any changes or amendments in the provided content if there will be any.

Auto removal
If the buyer cancels the provided content, the Article Plugin will automatically remove such an article from your website as soon as possible.

Error checking
The Article Plugin will save you from errors that might occur during manual content placement.


  • Plugin settings
  • „Your sites“ menu
  • „Your key“ menu


Install and activate the Article Plugin using the “Plugins” menu
Log in to https://cp.magenet.com or create a new account
Add & confirm your website
Copy your MageNet Key
Come back to your WordPress Dashboard, go to Settings > “Article Plugin by MageNet”, paste your MageNet Key, and click the “Save” button.


What should I do after Article Plugin installation?

Sing up at https://www.magenet.com and add your website to get your MageNet Key.

How much can I earn?

Prices for the content placement are based on your website’s quality parameters. The more quality your website will be, the more buyers will come and pay you for their content placement.

When will I get paid?

Once the buyer selects your website for their content placement & creates the task for you, you’ll be paid soon after you approve that content for the placement on your site. The rest will do the Article Plugin, and you’ll receive your first payment 30 days after content placement.

What kind of sites can I submit to MageNet?

You can submit any site to MageNet. However, note that MageNet doesn’t allow the promotion of escort services, pornography, adult, or other 18+ content.

What will you do with my websites?

MageNet will index all your added sites in the same way as Google does. It will “read” the content of your pages, and the number of outbound links on each page. MageNet needs to carefully scan your website so to form a fair price for the content placement.


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Mitwirkende & Entwickler

„Website Article Monetization By MageNet“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:




  • Vulnerability issue fix


  • Tutorial added


  • Bug fixes


  • Bug fixes and optimization


  • Bug fixes


  • Bug fixes and optimization


  • Bug fixes


  • Bug fixes


  • Bug fixes


  • Bug fixes and optimization


  • First version available