Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Uninstall Yoast SEO


When you deactivate Yoast SEO via the WordPress admin plugins page, it does not clean up your WordPress database. In case you like to keep your database nice and tidy, Uninstall Yoast SEO is the plugin you need!

Uninstall Yoast SEO deactivates Yoast SEO, in case you haven’t deactivated Yoast SEO already, and then it deletes all database entries related to Yoast SEO. Which leaves you with a clean database.


  1. Upload the uninstall-yoast-seo folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the Uninstall Yoast SEO plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
  3. Delete the Yoast SEO & Uninstall Yoast SEO plugin files from your server


1. November 2019
I noticed a few days ago, there were pieces of code all over my site left by the terrible SEO plugin Yoast. Code that was damaging my site’s Google SERPs. Tried to hand delete the code but, when you uninstall Yoast, it leaves the code everywhere. Finally installed this plugin. Took 10 seconds to remove all of Yoast’s garbage code. Tested it. My site is now completely clean of Yoast’s junk code. Thanks so much. An excellent plugin.
4. September 2018
this plugin is simply awesome specially for someone like me who have no clue to code and manual removal from cpanal thank you so much – it simply deleted every leftovers of yoast – came to know from my designer though thank you once again and will be recommending to people who are switching from yoast to something else
6. September 2017
This cleans up all of the Yoast entries in the database and deactivates immediately so you can delete it. In fact, it was so fast, I didn’t think it worked, because it kept showing up as deactivated. That’s just how good it is at doing it’s job and then getting out of the way.
14. November 2016
Yoast SEO breaks the standard WP installation by increasing the CPU usage way beyond necessary, leaving behind lot of useless information when deactivated. This plugin has proven to be **the** solution to such behavior. Thanks for making this available to the community.
21. September 2016
This plugin helped me fix a problem I had for ages on a client’s site: Yoast SEO versions after 3.1.2 would conflict with Visual Composer, preventing the VC editor from loading. This plugin didn’t seem to deactivate or remove Yoast SEO, but I could do that myself – the important part was removing the Yoast info from the database, which it did. I deactivated & removed Yoast SEO myself, ran this uninstaller and reinstalled Yoast. Then the VC editor finally worked again! Many thanks to the dev!
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