th23 Contact


Provide your users and visitors a simple and straight forward contact form.

The modern design is very clear, easy to navigate and with light-weight JS and CSS code. One big benefit is its flexible positioning in pages and posts as a shortcode.

To keep your website safe, it comes with built in spam and bot protection, by using reCaptcha for messages sent by visitors. The plugin is continuously improved and used on live websites since 2012.

See it in action on my Contact page.


The plugin is configured via its settings page in the admin area. Find all options under Settings -> th23 Contact. Most options come with a description of the setting and behavior.

For more information on the plugin visit the plugin website on GitHub.


  • Contact form (logged in user)

  • Contact form (visitor)

  • Plugin settings


Dieses Plugin unterstützt 1 Block.

  • Contact Form


The plugin can be installed most easily through your admin panel (see below example of one of my other plugins):

For a manual installation follow these steps:

  1. Download the plugin and extract the ZIP file

  2. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/th23-contact directory on your webserver

  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen in the WordPress admin area

  4. Use the Settings -> th23 Contact screen to configure the plugin

  5. Embed the [th23-contact] shortcode into any page / post you want

That is it – people can now send you messages via the contact form!


Can the plugin be activated on multiple selected pages / posts only?

You can enable the block / shortcode /for selected pages / posts only to save your users unnecessarily loading JavaScript and CSS files.

But for convenience the th23 Contact block / [th23-contact] shortcode can also be enabled for All pages, All posts or an selected set of pages / posts. Simply visit the plugin settings in your admin area. Under ‚Pages / Posts‘ you have the free choice.

To select multiple items on a PC simply keep the ‚Ctrl‘ key pressed any click on the pages / posts you want to select.


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  • ensure settings are properly taken over from previous versions


  • add contact form block for Gutenberg editor

  • switch admin basis to common th23 Admin class

v2.4.0 (first public release)

  • n/a