This plugin has been closed as of 10. Juli 2024 and is not available for download. Grund: Sicherheitsproblem.
30. Jänner 2024
I tried several plugins, this time this is the best!
27. September 2022
4 replies
As I wrote, version 3.6 20220927 breaks the entrance to the admin panel:
Causes an error: „[27-Sep-2022 19:07:27 UTC] PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/m/……../………/public_html/wp-content/plugins/telegram-bot/panel/send.php:67) in /home/m/………./………/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1424“
Incorrect operation of the php script. The problem was caused by the presence of BOM characters in one or more script files on my site
17. März 2022
Nice plugin, easy to use and easy to configure. For someone the functions won’t be enough, but for a little Wordpress-Page perfectly good. The bot function with automatic replies is perfect. But I stopped using because of problems with the plugin Einsatzverwaltung. The telegram message was posted two times all the time.
20. Dezember 2021
2+ Star for the fact that the plugin exists and in some places it performs its functions, for which I am grateful to the author since I did not find such a plugin
3- Minus for the fact that the author of the plugin does not help solve problems and is not responsible! The functions that are stated do not work! There are no updates and no support
25. Feber 2021
I highly recommand.
28. April 2020
2 replies
Please add more parameter to custom plugin, like telegram post id. Tq
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