Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Tally Theme Setup


Want to make our theme look like our theme demo. This plugin will help you to make your site look like the original theme demo easily.

We have used some source code of WorddPress Impoter and Widget Importer & Exporter


  1. Upload the plugin to your WordPress site in the /wp-content/plugins folder or install via the WordPress admin.
  2. Activate it from the WordPress plugin admin screen.
  3. After activation the plugin will show you a notice. Follow the notice and you will get your site ready.


Installation Instructions
  1. Upload the plugin to your WordPress site in the /wp-content/plugins folder or install via the WordPress admin.
  2. Activate it from the WordPress plugin admin screen.
  3. After activation the plugin will show you a notice. Follow the notice and you will get your site ready.
What does Tally Theme Setup do?

The plugin will help you to import demo data of Tally Themes

Will it work on any theme?

No, It will only work on supported theme of TallyThemes.com

Why I need it?

After installing our theme it will not look like the theme demo. To make the new site look like the demo you will need this plugin.

Can I import sample data on a live site?

It is not recommended for live site. It is recommended on a fresh wordpress installation. So if your current wordpress installation already have content ( Images, Page’s, Posts, etc. ) you should not import sample data.


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  • BUG FIX: Plugin was not checking real plugin activation.


  • BUG FIX: Plugin notice was showing in version two mood when no demo data was defined.


  • Added full new API for data import
  • Added a callback for old theme


  • Bug fix


  • Added demo-sample folder
  • Improve the menu handling
  • Improve reading settings handling
  • Improve service disable handling


  • Improve the Admin notice

  • Added theme base notice display support

  • Fix menu name filtering

  • Fixed admin notice bug

  • Added new filter Menu Location

  • Fixed menu setup bug


  • Added some filter to customize the import process


  • Added support for alternative xml and wie files


  • Enable attachment import


  • Fixed a small Issue
  • Remove unused code


  • Initial release.