Plugin-Schlagwort: safety
Blue Captcha
(14 Bewertungen gesamt)Blue Captcha is a powerful and highly customized WordPress plugin that effectively protects your WP blogs from spammers and unwanted persons.
Escape Button
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)We developed the Our Wave Escape Button (available in the bottom right of our website) to help protect our users in unsafe situations.
WP Firewall
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)Protect WordPress from hacker attacks, spam and dangerous actions.
Automatic Safe Update
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)To update your plugins with safe and automated mode. Upgrade installed themes too.
IP Dependent Cookies
(1 Bewertungen gesamt)Plugin IP Dependent Cookies makes your Wordpress installation more secure adding your IP to salt (which makes cookies IP-dependent).
Secure Login
(2 Bewertungen gesamt)Secure, 2 step Verification for WordPress login, via One Time Pin (OTP).
ROB (rat out blocker)
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)Restrict execution of certain external requests with partial url or even regex to prevent personal data leakage (as example)
TruAnon Identity
(2 Bewertungen gesamt)A simple profile badge that creates a trusted environment by letting members visibly back their own claim of identity.
(1 Bewertungen gesamt)TheEPI is the open source software for the daily management of your PPE. Ensure the traceability of the PPE, the monitoring of the maintenance operati …
Safer wp-admin login
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)Safer Login is a light plugin enables webmaster and administrators that allows to change wp-admin url to any custom url they want easily as well as sa …