Plugin-Schlagwort: jwt
JWT Authentication for WP REST API
(46 Bewertungen gesamt)Extends the WP REST API using JSON Web Tokens Authentication as an authentication method.
WordPress REST API Authentication
(67 Bewertungen gesamt)Secure and protect your WP REST API endpoints from unauthorized access. Authenticate WordPress API using secure authentication methods.
JWT Auth – WordPress JSON Web Token Authentication
(22 Bewertungen gesamt)Create JSON Web Token Authentication in WordPress.
Simple JWT Login – Allows you to use JWT on REST endpoints.
(45 Bewertungen gesamt)The main purpose of this plugin is to allow Mobile apps, or other websites to access the content via REST endpoints in a secure way.
Firebase Authentication
(20 Bewertungen gesamt)This plugin allows login into WordPress using Firebase user credentials and maps Firebase user data to WordPress user profile.
API Bearer Auth
(6 Bewertungen gesamt)Access and refresh tokens based authentication plugin for the REST API.
WP Login and Register using JWT
(4 Bewertungen gesamt)WordPress login (WordPress Single Sign-On) using JWT token obtained from other WordPress sites or applications. Synchronize user sessions between your …
User Data Fields For JWT Authentication
(3 Bewertungen gesamt)Wordpress is a good content mangement system for building websites, but it will be better if you build like mobile apps,
Simple REST API Authenticaton with WooCommerce Credentials
(1 Bewertungen gesamt)Simple REST API Authentication plugin for WordPress – a powerful solution for integrating your website with external applications.
Ultimate WP REST API
(4 Bewertungen gesamt)An awesome WordPress plugin to extend the WordPress APIs like Menu, Featured/Thumb Images, JWT Authentication & caching…
JWT Authenticator
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)This plugin integrates JWT authentication and automates user creation.
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)This plugin allows sign in to WordPress using a JSON Web Token (JWT) contained in a HTTP Header.
GS JWT Authentication for WP REST API
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)Extends the WP REST API using JSON Web Tokens as an authentication method.
Simple JWT Login MailPoet – Login users from newsletter
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)This plugin is an Add-on for Simple-Jwt-Login. It allows you to automatically login users from the newsletter sent by MailPoet into a WordPress websit …
REST API Authentication and Security
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)Add a security layer to your WordPress site, and protect your WordPress rest endpoints with various authentication methods.
JWT SSOLO plugin
(1 Bewertungen gesamt)Plugin to authenticate users through the AUTH service of SSOLO ltd
Simple JWT Auth
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)Extends the WP REST API using JSON Web Tokens for robust authentication, providing a secure and reliable way to access and manage WordPress data.
UNS Project WordPress Authentication
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)UNS Project offers secure private, passwordless, authentication for your WordPress site. The plugin also supports Secure Remote Password (SRP) Authent …