Plugin-Schlagwort: generator
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)Sokkal több, mint egy ÁSZF generátor. ÁSZF és GDPR modulok, adatvédelmi tájékoztató, ÁSZF készítése, adatvédelmi szabályzat készítése, webshop szabályzatok, ÁSZF kezelő, GDPR kezelő, legaltech, ügyvédi szoftver.
Hide Generator Version
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)Removes the generator meta-tag and comprehensively hides the version number of your WordPress installation.
Alex Set Favicon
(2 Bewertungen gesamt)Alex Set Favicon allows any user to easily set and update their favicon. See for help
Remove Generator Information
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)Remove all generator information on xhtml, html, rss2, atom, rdf, comments and export pages.
Auto Generate Title
(4 Bewertungen gesamt)Want to save time. Do not want to write TITLE manually. This plugin is for you. No need to write the title. It will generate Post Title from your Post …
Dynamic QR Code URL Saver
(2 Bewertungen gesamt)Generates a dynamic QR-Code, which can be saved and edited later, even if the QR Code was printed. Very easy to install and use. Share smartly!
(1 Bewertungen gesamt)Allows administrators to globally disable XML-RPC, new emoji functionality in WordPress 4.2, wp generator, wlwmanifest, RSD EditURI and rss/feeds on t …
Multiple Page Generator
(2 Bewertungen gesamt)Multiple Page Generator can generate multiple pages with title, content, meta data, etc. with just few clicks.
Random Number Generator
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)Simply replace the tag [random-number] by a random number.
Barcode Generator
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)Barcode Generator is a Wordpress Plugin which will allow you to Generate your Barcodes in the Admin Panel itself under the Tools Tab.
WP-Simply remove generator tag
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)If active, this plugin removes the WordPress version from your website header.
Esponce QR Code Generator
(1 Bewertungen gesamt)Generates a QR Code and inserts it into a blog post (shortcode) or sidebar widget. QR Code image is then cached on the local WordPress server.
AH No Version Number
(1 Bewertungen gesamt)Removes the WordPress meta generator tag and any version number from the source code and provides you a little more security.
QR Code for Pages
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)Is a plugin for generating QR codes for your WordPress pages or posts made by ME-Team.
LX Password Generator
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)LX Password Generator is simple yet nifty password generation form to be placed in any page or post you like.
Generate WordPress Entities
(6 Bewertungen gesamt)Generate wordpress pages, posts, categories, comments for development enviroment in few clicks.
THRIVE eSig Generator
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)Enter your details and we will generator you an email signature.
Sample Data Generator
(3 Bewertungen gesamt)This plugin generate sample html content in WordPress editor. This plugin use API, and