Plugin-Schlagwort: cpt
Essential Content Types
(2 Bewertungen gesamt)Essential Content Types allows you to feature the impressive content through different content/post types on your website just the way you want it.
MAS Static Content
(1 Bewertungen gesamt)MAS Static Content is a free plugin that allows you to to create a custom post type static content and use it with shortcode.
Post Types Unlimited
(9 Bewertungen gesamt)Create unlimited custom post types and custom taxonomies.
Sticky Posts – Switch
(18 Bewertungen gesamt)This plugin adds a sticky post switch functionality to the admin list post/custom post type pages.
Custom post types, Custom Fields & more
(56 Bewertungen gesamt)Custom Post Types, Custom Fields, Custom Taxonomies, Custom Templates, Custom Admin Pages, Custom Admin Notices. Directly from the WP dashboard.
Custom Post Type Editor
(14 Bewertungen gesamt)Customize the text labels, menu names or description for any registered custom post type using a simple Dashboard user interface.
Remove Taxonomy Url
(6 Bewertungen gesamt)This is a purpose-oriented plugin that simply remove the taxonomy slugs from URL.
Simple CPT
(8 Bewertungen gesamt)Simple CPT provides an easy to use interface for registering and managing custom post types and custom taxonomies.
Post Type Converter
(6 Bewertungen gesamt)Allows you to convert the post type of objects while in the edit screen.
Custom Post Type List Shortcode
(5 Bewertungen gesamt)A shortcode with which you can easily list all of the posts within a post-type and sort by regular or custom fields.
WordPress Calendar For Custom Post Types
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)Because the builtin calendar doesn't have such an option.
WP Duplicate posts pages & CPT
(2 Bewertungen gesamt)Duplicate posts, pages and CPT with all custom data.
Wbcom Designs BuddyPress Todo List
(6 Bewertungen gesamt)The BuddyPress Todo List plugin allows BuddyPress members to add tasks to their to-do list and will enable them to 'edit,' 'delete, …
(13 Bewertungen gesamt)Move your Pages/Posts/Custom Post Type admin links from the sidebar to a Content menu that nests everything where it should be
Brozzme Switch and Duplicate
(4 Bewertungen gesamt)A set of tools dedicated to post type, Post-type Switcher and Post Duplicate (works with any custom post-type).
News CPT
(2 Bewertungen gesamt)A quick, easy way to add an extensible News custom post type to Wordpress.
Create Posts & Terms
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)Create pages, posts, custom post items, categories, post tags & custom taxonomies terms in bulk.
Aeropage Sync for Airtable
(2 Bewertungen gesamt)A powerful, easy to use combination of tools that allow you to automatically (or manually) generate Wordpress posts with custom metadata.