Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Survey Anyplace


Demo | Survey Anyplace


  • Fun-to-take surveys, quizzes and assessments that can be embedded in your WordPress site with one click.
  • Different question types, branded design, skip logic, scoring and gamification elements such as a digital scratchcard and a slot machine!
  • To create a new questionnaire, you need to sign up for a free Survey Anyplace account at app.surveyanyplace.com/register


Survey Anyplace improves your data collection by improving your surveys.
Most surveys today overlook the respondent’s experience, which is why they produce low response rates.
Our modern-looking surveys entice respondents, and are easy to interact with, using the latest mobile features–just like your audience.
And you get more and better feedback!



This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Go to https://wordpress.org/plugins/
  2. Write Survey Anyplace in the search bar and press Enter
  3. Choose the Survey Anyplace Plugin and Download
  4. To install the plugin, you just need to unzip and put the downloaded plugin file “sa” into your ‚wp-content/plugins‘ directory.
  5. Activate the plugin from the Plugins menu in your WordPress dashboard


How to use the Survey Anyplace Plugin
  1. Click on Pages menu in your WordPress administration
  2. Edit an existing page where you’d like to embed a survey, or add a new page
  3. Click the shiny new “Add Survey” button
  4. Fill in your survey details and press OK

„If you are not sure about the URL of your survey, you can find it by logging in to Survey Anyplace,
selecting the survey you wish to use and going to the “Share”-tab.
The correct URL for your survey is listed there.“

  1. The survey will be added in the editor
  2. You can always edit the way your survey is embedded by selecting your survey and choosing edit again
  3. Click Update in the top right menu. All done… You did a great job!

Click here to see this question with images

Where can i find the URL of my survey

If you are not sure about the URL of your survey, you can find it by logging in to Survey Anyplace, selecting the survey you wish to use and going to the “Share”-tab. The correct URL for your survey is listed there.


Click here for the manual!


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  • First version



<?php code(); ?>