Simple Popular Posts is a plugin that creates a widget for you to put on your sidebar. The widget shows the most popular posts on your blog, based on the number of comments.
It is a very simple and basic plugin. It only has 3 options:
– the widget title
– the number of posts you want to show
– whether you want to show the number of comments or not
Based on the Most Popular Posts plugin by Wes Goodhoofd (
- Upload the folder simple-popular-posts to your WordPress plugin directory.
- Activate the plugin from the plugin panel.
- Go to your widget setting page.
- Drag the Simple Popular Posts widget to your sidebar.
- You can customize the widget.
Usually, a wordpress theme uses the
h3> tag to display the widget title, but to match your theme’s design you can edit the tag on line 32 in the plugin’s php file
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* Initial release