Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Simple Groups


Simple Groups Plugin for WordPress is a very simple plugin that adds Basic Group functionality to the Users system.
The groups can be used via a shortcode to display members only content to users in that specific group.

Developer Website: http://MyWebsiteAdvisor.com

Plugin Page: http://MyWebsiteAdvisor.com/tools/wordpress-plugins/simple-groups/

We are looking for testimonials and live examples of our plugins on your website!
Please submit your website or testimonial here: http://MyWebsiteAdvisor.com/testimonials
If we choose your testimonial or website we can link to your site and generate some free traffic for you!


  • PHP5


  • Users page, with new groups column.
  • New groups page.
  • Group membership selection on edit user page.


  1. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress

More Information can be found here:

Developer Website: http://MyWebsiteAdvisor.com

Plugin Page: http://MyWebsiteAdvisor.com/tools/wordpress-plugins/simple-groups/

We are looking for testimonials and live examples of our plugins on your website!
Please submit your website or testimonial here: http://MyWebsiteAdvisor.com/testimonials
If we choose your testimonial or website we can link to your site and generate some free traffic for you!


Plugin doesn’t work …

Please specify as much information as you can to help us debug the problem.
Check in your error.log if you can.
Please send screenshots as well as a detailed description of the problem.

Developer Website: http://MyWebsiteAdvisor.com

Plugin Page: http://MyWebsiteAdvisor.com/tools/wordpress-plugins/simple-groups/

We are looking for testimonials and live examples of our plugins on your website!
Please submit your website or testimonial here: http://MyWebsiteAdvisor.com/testimonials
If we choose your testimonial or website we can link to your site and generate some free traffic for you!


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  • fixed issue with groups getting cleared out when users update profile, such as changing default password


  • updated the group_access shortcode to allow for group=’name‘ or groups=’name1,name2′ syntax
  • also added groups_access shortcode which is the same as group access, just renamed for simplicity.
  • added public_access shortcode to be used for display of login/register links

= 1.0.1=
* changed from group to groups as the name of the taxonomy


  • Initial Release