Unlimited potential in art of creation shortcodes!
Using the Twig template engine helps you code everything you need to achieve the functionality you’re doing.
=Main features:=
* Unlimited default parameters
* Twig Template Engine
* Query Builder
* Scripts and Styles
* WPBackery Integration
* Elementor Integration
* AJAX driven
=External Libs:=
* VueJS
* Twig
* Ace
* Fontello
To setup Shortcode Mastery plugin just active Shortcode Mastery in plugins menu page.
If you have trouble with setup, please contact me on
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Mitwirkende & Entwickler
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13.02.19 – v2.0.0
- Query Builder
- WPBackery Integration
- Elementor Integration
- Scripts and Styles
- Bug fixes
08.08.17 – v1.1.0
- Fixed Taxonomy, Date and Meta Query render and layout
- Sanitization Improvements
- Ajax Improvements
- Restrictions by roles
- Layout Rebuild
- TinyMCE Customizer
- Parameters Twig Rendering
- Cache Cleaning System
- Widget text and Category description shortcodes
- Bug Fixes
14.07.17 – v1.0.1
- Initial release