Sama member registration is a simple member registration system. Admin allow to accept or reject members. And also system will support for members suspend. You can use admin setting to customise the system.
Plugin Features
- Free!
- simple and fast
- Registration form
- PayPal integration
- Admin allow to accept or reject members
- member registration Shortcode
- PayPal Subscriptions Shortcode
- Placeholders for emails
- Early reminder
- late reminder
- Dashboard
- Notify admin of new user registrations
- Each member have wordpress login
- System will send wordpress user credential
- Member login area
You can browse the code at the bitbucket repository.
- Email support
- Unpack archive to this archive to the ‚wp-content/plugins/‘ directory inside of WordPress
- Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- Log in to WordPress admin panel for your WordPress site. Click on ‚Plugins > Add New‘.
- Search for ‚Sama member registration‘ and install.
- Once installed, click on ‚Activate‘ to enable plugin.
Step to setup
1. Go to setting page and setup template and other settings
2. Add member registration Shortcode to any page or post – [sama-registration]
3. Create wordpress page for PayPal Subscriptions –
4. Add PayPal Subscriptions Shortcode to above page – [sama-paypal]
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- No change log fresh plugin