This plugin has been closed as of 30. Dezember 2024 and is not available for download. This closure is temporary, pending a full review.
17. Feber 2021
This plugin gets the job done. I’m using it in combination with Ultimate Member, one of those free all-in-one plugins that markets itself as the #1 user profile and membership plugin.
However, Ultimate Member doesn’t have the ability to assign multiple roles to a single user and it doesn’t look like they’re going to add it (see this ticket from August 2017). I didn’t want another bloated membership plugin because I put all my eggs in this basket, and the client’s project I’m working on has a quick approaching deadline.
This small little utility plugin came to my rescue and is perfect for just adding in this snippet of much-needed functionality. Thank YOU!
8. Oktober 2016
works good
27. September 2016
The Plugin Author supports users really fast! Replied to a support question within an hour!
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