Reserving Online Food Ordering & Reservation Plugin is an online food ordering system & table management system for restaurants and businesses. Reserving is a WordPress plugin-based solution that enables developers to easily integrate powerful delivery management features and facilities into their WordPress website.
This essential plugin for restaurants comes with awesome management features such as invoice printing, order printing, assigning tasks based on managerial roles, viewing order status, tracking orders until delivery/serving, payment information management, making quick changes to orders or cancellations, enabling or disabling access to information based on managerial roles, and so much more.
And for customer convenience, the Reserving Reservation Plugin offers features such as a fast & responsive availability checker for branches, tables, and food courses.
Customers are able to log in, book/reserve tables, order food, track their delivery status, tip servers and delivery persons from the cart/checkout, select branches, check timings, and more.
Once users place their orders online, those orders go straight to your kitchen staff, who will prepare them according to their specifications. From then on until their delivery date, employees will make sure everything goes as planned by checking the order status every step of the way.
Customers can even schedule food orders with detailed specifications & selectable add-ons ahead of time, just as they can reserve tables and seatings for diners.
Implementing a food delivery & restaurant food order management system in WordPress is easy with Reserving, and since it comes with seamless integration with WooCommerce, adding new food items, managing reviews, payments, and placing orders is super simple.
Reserving is a great choice for fast food, takeout, and restaurant businesses because it has a powerful management system and is easy to customize so that more features can be added to your website as you see fit.
- Multi Branch.
- Table Layout.
- Cart Tips for waiters/delivery men (Fixed and Percentage)
- Delivery Area Settings
- QuickView
- Availability Checker ( Cart , Checkout, shortcode )
- Custom Order Table
- Frontend Dashboard for Branch Manager, Delivery Manager, & Kitchen Manager
- Flexible Options
- ShortCodes For Page Builders.
- Food Delivery Email Options
- Order Prints
- Seamless Integration with WooCommerce
- Seamless Integration with Elementor
Available Shortcodes
Frontend Dashboard
Availability Checker
Delivery Info (In Checkout page)
Gutenberg Blocks
- Reserving Frontend Dashboard
- Reserving Availability Checker
Elementor Widgets
- Product Grid Widget
- Restaurant Widget
- Product Extra item Widget
- Product extra price widget
- Branch Slider Widget (Pro)
- Content Slider Widget (Pro)
- Drawer Cart Widget (Pro)
- Product Grid Widget (Pro)
- Tip widget for Cart, Checkout (Pro)
You can also check our other WordPress plugins:
ElementsReady – Elements Ready Elementor Addons With Header & Footer Builder
ShopReady – ShopReady – WooCommerce Builder for Elementor, Products Compare, UpSell, Variation Swatches, Wishlist, QuickView
Dark Mode – QS Dark Mode
Dieses Plugin unterstützt 2 Blöcke.
- Reserving Frontend Dashboard Frontend Dashboard For Reserving plugin . Which use Manager and Delivery Man.
- Reserving Availability checker Frontend Availability Checker
- Upload plugin folder under standard plugins directory „/wp-content/plugins/“ or install through the WordPress Plugins page.
- Activate plugin via WordPress Plugins page.
- Insert reserving plugin.
- Done, your WordPress is protected now!
Do i need to install WooCommerce?
Yes, This is WooCommerce extension.
Have a pro a plugin?
Yes Pro Version available go
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1.2 (2024-09-23)
- Add: Branch wise product add and show.
- Fix: WooCommerce compatibility issues resolved.
- Fix: Migrated WooCommerce orders to the new database table.
- Fix: Fixed PHP deprecation warnings.
- Fix: Replaced deprecated WordPress functions.
- Fix: Improved escaping and sanitization.
- Fix: Added new order status: ‚checkout-draft‘.
- Fix: Updated outdated WooCommerce hooks.
- Fix: Resolved issue of WooCommerce doubling extra price on orders.
- Update: Improved logic for adding extra items on single product pages.
- Update: Changed the UI for settings.
- Update: Fixed issue with post generation.
- Fix: grid ajax
- Fix: extra item cancellations
- Initial release