Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Rel Nofollow Checkbox


This plugin adds a simple checkbox in the insert/edit link popup for including nofollow attribute.


  • Add rel=nofollow to link.
  • Check HTML code.


  1. Download the latest zip file and extract the rel-nofollow-checkbox directory.
  2. Upload it to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate Rel Nofollow Checkbox on the Plugins menu in WordPress.


Installation Instructions
  1. Download the latest zip file and extract the rel-nofollow-checkbox directory.
  2. Upload it to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate Rel Nofollow Checkbox on the Plugins menu in WordPress.
What is nofollow?

When the search engine spider sees nofollow on the link, it does not follow that link to the new site; not count the link towards it’s popularity score in their ranking engine; and not include the link text in the relevancy score for those keywords. so, search engines will not penalize your site or blog for links that have nofollow on them.

How do i nofollow links?

Just check the rel=“nofollow“ option under the default open link in a new window/tab option.


7. November 2022
I have been using this plugin for over 5 years now and on more than one site. It is very simple and still serves its purpose, however, due to the lack of updates, I am having security concerns. I have looked for better alternatives but can’t find one as simple and hitch-free as this. Ordinarily, I should give a 5 star but can’t see myself giving one star, hence the neutral with the hope of seeing an update soon. I don’t mind an alternative if the author is no longer interested in the project.
9. Oktober 2020
В текущей версии ВП плагин не работает((
20. April 2020
It is time to update this extension. This is not reassuring in terms of security and compatibility.
26. Oktober 2017
In my opinion, this is the best rel=“nofollow“ checkbox plugin in the repo. Other plugins, that also add a rel=“nofollow“ checkbox, have a few bugs that can be difficult to work with. This plugin, however, doesn’t have these issues.
10. August 2017
It is so useful for affiliate links to have this no follow option when you click on the dented wheel. Thank you so much Fabio <it helps saving lots of time by preventing you to click on the text and find the link.
25. Feber 2017
I wish this plugin worked for me because the concept is great. It has some major flaws for me though: 1. When adding multiple links, there seems to be a caching issue with the plugin. For example. I add a link to Amazon for construction paper. All good. Then I try to add a link for scissors, and the plugin changes it to the construction paper link. I have to try multiple times to get it to stop changing it to the first link. 2. I can edit a link a couple of times, but often, if I have to edit a 3rd time, the link box won’t even open when I click on the link. 3. When I make a link „no-follow“, it changes ALL the links in my post to no-follow links. 4. When making a link open in a separate tab, adding the link often fails. I click apply, and the text does NOT become a hyperlink. I think this is also due to a glitch in the plugin. I know many other bloggers are having the same issues, so hopefully some tweaks can be made to the plugin.
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  • Compatible with WordPress 4.7 (credits: Daniel Liljeberg)


  • Remove option for the link title attribute
  • Fix css issues


  • Minor fix


  • Add an option for the link title attribute


  • Minor bugs fixed


  • Compatible with WordPress 4.2


  • Compatible with WordPress 4.0.1, 4.1


  • Compatible with WordPress 3.9


  • First release.