Regenerate Download Permissions for Orders


When someone submits an order in woocommerce,
Later if you add downloadable file/content to the product of that order,
User can’t download the new file/content because woocommerce doesn’t update download permission for old orders,
This plugin fixes that 🙂
**check out my other plugins here

How to use

  1. Install this plugin, duh!
  2. Add your file to the product and save it.
  3. On the product edit page (admin side), on the right side of the page, click on the button saying „Regenerate download permissions“, „Your request is processing!“ should appear.
  4. Do not close the page/tab until you see this sentence „Download Permissions for n order has been regenerated!“
  5. You’re done!


  • Steps


6. September 2024
Had to give access to over two thousand customers on a timed publication. Wow, thanks a lot for the plugin. Grateful 🙏
11. September 2023
It seems like the PlugIn hits a block at some place. It starts, regenerates a few orders and then nothing happens anymore. I was so hopeful, but it sadly doesn´t work with the newest versions of Wordpress and Woocommerce.
19. Juli 2023
Went down a rabbit hole to figure out why links were not sending with invoices. Would up in the woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions, which turned out to be empty. This plugin was simple to use (once I realized the button was in the product) and regenerated download links. Saved the day here. Thanks for this amazing plugin.
22. Feber 2023
Thank u so much for this awesome plugin. Exactly what we needed!
30. Dezember 2022
Great plugin! Would it be possible after Regenerating Product Permissions to show a list of all the email addresses associated with the product?
Lies alle 8 Rezensionen

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