Neat way to conclude a blog post when discussing groups of people or behavior of most people e.g label xyz, culture abc. Partial phrases are from Quran (scripture) and are displayed using the following shortcodes:
- [people_defient /]
- [people_reason /]
- [people_know /]
- [people_grateful /]
- [people_know_also /]
- [people_grateful_also /]
- [people_argue /]
You can also set the font size, color, and html tag.
Example of setting the font size using size attribute:
[people_grateful size=“100px“ /]
Example of setting color:
[people_grateful color=“blue“ /]
Example using all attributes along with setting html tag to div to have the text surrounded by div tag. Default tag is p:
[people_grateful size=“100px“ color=“blue“ tag=“div“ /]
- Unzip the plugin archive into plugins directory
- Login to WordPress admin dashboard
- Mouse over plugins on left dashboard menu and click installed plugins
- Click Activiate under „Quran Phrases About Most People Shortcodes“
- Edit any post and add one the shortcodes listed above
How do I change the font color of the Arabic text?
Use color attributes with shortcode.
What font are these shortcodes using?
AlQalam Quran font.
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- Fixed issue to only allow specified attributes size, color and tag
- Fixed font display issue
- allow attributes for setting html tag, size, and color of text.