Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Perception LMS


perceptionsystem.com is a full-featured, free learning management system ( LMS ) that integrates easily with any WordPress theme. It allows you to create unlimited courses right on your WordPress website, restrict lesson content.

  • PS LMS is 100% free
  • Create Unlimited courses
  • Integrates with any theme
  • Users can track lessons they’ve viewed
  • Users can track lessons they’ve completed
  • Create video or text-based lessons
  • Easy to use and setup


  1. Copy the plugin folder into your WordPress plugin directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the „Plugins“ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to „Appearance->Menus“
  4. Click „Custom Links“ and where it says „URL“ enter „yourdomain.com/course“ where „yourdomain.com“ is your domain name
  5. Where it says „Link Text“ you can include any text you’d like. This is the text your website visitors will see when they’re navigating your website.
  6. Click „Add to Menu“
  7. Click „Save Menu“
  8. Click „PS Courses->Course Categories“ and create at least one category
  9. Click „PS Courses->Teachers“ and create at least one teacher
  10. Create a course by clicking „PS Courses->Courses“ and fill in the title, content and other applicable info
  11. Create lessons by clicking „PS Courses->Lessons“ and make sure to connect the lesson(s) you make to the course(s) you’ve made. If you are embedding a video, use the embed code. The embed code starts with „iframe“.


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