Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Product categories search admin for woocommerce


In large WooCommerce sites you may end up with numerous product categories and it\’s hard to find what category you are looking for to assign to product. Now you can simply type any letters from the product category and the results instantly filter your selection.


Is this an advanced frontend product categories search?

NO! This plugin is only visible at backend when the user adds or edit a product. It helps to quickly filter product categories.


11. Dezember 2023
A life saver for bunch of product categories. Allows to easy search through them instead of manually browsing through that narrow window frame. Thanks a bunch. 🙂
19. Feber 2023
It is a great solution when managing lots of categories – I tried some custom snippets without much success, till I found this one. The plugin makes it easy to manage categories Thank You
4. Oktober 2022
This plugin has saved me an incredible amount of time. I hope the enhancement includes a search on bulk editing now. Thanks so much for this.
17. August 2022
Thank you very much, it is very useful for a lot catogory in product page.
12. Feber 2022
Total of 4.5kb, does the work for a woocommerce store owner 10 times easier when assigning products to categories. Thanks! 🙂
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  • Tested up to version bump
  • Changed the handle for enqueued scripts and styles


  • Tested up to version bump