

This plugin has been closed as of 14. Juni 2024 and is not available for download. Grund: Sicherheitsproblem.


1. November 2023
We had made a mess of the printing stylesheet in Print-O-Matic for a payback calculator on a client site and could not get the look we wanted. Baden responded to our support ticket within minutes and spent what must have been several hours diagnosing and then fixing our CSS, even though the issues were completely of our making, not caused by any issue with Print-O-Matic. And it was timely as the client was heading to a trade show the next day where they would be filling in the form with prospects and handing them a printout.
28. März 2023
We have a really messed up website but the support has really taken care of it so well that i can really only say many many thanks!! Whoever uses this plugin can’t really make any mistakes. 120% thumbs up!
14. Oktober 2022
The plugin works like described. It is simple to use, and also comes with comprehensive documentation which covers most all cases.The support is quick and very assistive. They have helped us resolve every issue we’ve had. Often they reply as fast as if we were in a private chat instead of a public forum. Excellent staff, and stuff! Thanks.
17. Mai 2022
Literally just works. Client requested that only a specific part of the page be printed. By making a certain section an „article“ HTML Tag and making it so that the Print button makes it so it only prints the „article“ HTTML Tag section it makes it so the print preview only shows the section I want, and like the client requested, have it only print 1 single page.
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