Pods Alternative Cache


Pods Alternative Cache provides optimal performance with Pods sites on hosts with no object caching or low limits. It was developed for and tested on the WPEngine platform to improve performance of cached objects generated from Pods, but it works on numerous other hosting providers.

Pods Alternative Cache is a great addition to a site already utilizing Object Caching, it further separates and allows Pods to utilize more consistent persistent caching without affecting other plugins and WordPress caching objects. Especially when utilizing larger configurations, this plugin improves performance by ensuring other necessary objects are not removed by the server to make room for Pods cached objects.

This plugin requires the Pods Framework version 2.4 or later to run.

For more information on how to use this plugin, see https://pods.io/2014/04/16/introducing-pods-alternative-cache/.

Also check out the FAQ below for more details on customizing the configuration through your wp-config.php file.


Check out our GitHub for a list of contributors, or search our GitHub issues to see everyone involved in adding features, fixing bugs, or reporting issues/testing.



  1. Unpack the entire contents of this plugin zip file into your wp-content/plugins/ folder locally
  2. Upload to your site
  3. Navigate to wp-admin/plugins.php on your site (your WP Admin plugin page)
  4. Activate this plugin

OR you can just install it with WordPress by going to Plugins >> Add New >> and type this plugin’s name


Why an Alternative Cache?

Hosts like WPEngine and GoDaddy have limits set on their object caching engine that are based on what they find optimal for their environment. Sometimes, plugins, themes, and even WordPress core can utilize object cache to the point where it gets too full. When that happens, certain caching engines like APC can remove objects from their cache and that can cause what appears to be random numbers of queries on each page load.

What Pods Alternative Cache does is store all of the Pods objects that need caching, separate from the default object caching engine. Depending on the environment or site, this may still not be optimal. You’ll want to test things out and keep an eye on your site’s performance to see if it’s the right fit for you.

What options are available?

In your wp-config.php, or prior to the plugins_loaded action, you can define other constants to change how the plugin works.

Change the storage type (be sure to deactivate/activate between storage type switches):

define( 'PODS_ALT_CACHE_TYPE', 'db' ); // Default is 'file', you can choose 'memcached' too

Change the path to the File cache folder:

define( 'PODS_ALT_FILE_CACHE_DIR', 'path/to/folder' ); // Default is 'wp-content/podscache'

Set Memcached Server host or IP address

define( 'PODS_ALT_CACHE_MEMCACHED_SERVER', '' ); // Default is 'localhost'

Set Memcached Server PORT number

define( 'PODS_ALT_CACHE_MEMCACHED_PORT', 11211 ); // Default is 11211

Disable Pods Alternative Cache:

define( 'PODS_ALT_CACHE', false ); // Default is true

Disable object cache fallback, when File writes fail:

define( 'PODS_ALT_CACHE_FALLBACK', false ); // Default is true


29. Jänner 2023 4 replies
PODS itself is great, this looks like crap, the only thing it seems to do is prevent proper editing of „POD Pages“ as the template selection and other fields are gone!
4. Jänner 2019
It helped me to clean up the autoloaded data in the wp_options table. Before: 0.775MB After: 0.065MB
3. September 2016
A site we built was totally grinding to a halt on our BlueHost shared hosting account when we started getting traffic over a few hundred sessions. Other caching options weren’t working and Pods Alt Cache did the trick! After setting up the cache parameters, it very quickly resolved the issue. Great file-based solution for server configurations that don’t offer customized control over object/mem caching.
3. September 2016
Works like a charm! I had to disable object caching on one site due to inconsistency of GoDaddy’s caching with another plugin (Google Calendar Events). After renaming of the /wp-content/object-cache.php file (to just make object caching not function) – PODS ended in Fatal Error crashing the entire website: Cannot call overloaded function for non-object in …/general.php on line 230 Then I spotted this cute „Pods Alternative Cache“ plugin, installed it and made the trick with object caching disabling again. Keeping my breath I reloaded my website and ALL WORKED! Now both PODS and GCal Event are functioning with no errors. Thank you guys very much for creating this addition to your beautiful PODS framework!
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Mitwirkende & Entwickler

„Pods Alternative Cache“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:



2.2.0 – March 24th, 2024

  • New requirements that match Pods: WP 6.0+, PHP 7.2+, and Pods 3.0+ (@sc0ttkclark)

2.1.8 – March 24th, 2024

  • Fixed: Resolved a PHP notices with the storage set method. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Resolved an issue which was causing the cache group not be utilized properly when setting the fallback value. (@sc0ttkclark)
  • Fixed: Tested on WP 6.5 and PHP 7.2+. (@sc0ttkclark)

2.1.7 – March 13th, 2023

  • Fixed: Caught a bug hanging around for a few years that only happened in edge cases — checking if file/directory still exists before trying to delete/remove it. (@sc0ttkclark)

2.1.6 – March 6th, 2023

  • Fixed: Prevent issue that sometimes happens with persistent object cache fallback when clearing cache for a group. (@sc0ttkclark)

2.1.5 – September 30th, 2022

  • Fixed: Resolved the PHP warning when setting up the .htaccess file. (@sc0ttkclark)

2.1.4 – September 30th, 2022

  • Fixed: Work on resolving the PHP warning when setting up the .htaccess file. (@sc0ttkclark)

2.1.3 – March 1st, 2022

  • Fixed: Ensure that the podscache file directory is excluded from search engine indexing and deny direct browser access on Apache environments.
  • Fixed: Help resolve potential PHP warnings on certain setups when looking to see if a folder exists and getting files from it.

2.1.2 – September 4th, 2021

  • Fixed: Now compatible with PHP 8.0+

2.1.1 – August 14th, 2021

  • Tested against WordPress 5.8 for compatibility

2.1.0 – July 14th, 2020

  • Added: Now requiring PHP 5.6+
  • Added: Freemius support when running Pods 2.7.17+
  • Fixed: SiteGround and other sites that use the domain name in the path no longer cause directory/file writes to fail.

2.0.7 – March 2nd, 2020

  • Fix DB-based storage value sets (props @Danone89)
  • Tested against WordPress 5.4 for compatibility

2.0.6 – March 2nd, 2019

  • Fixed caching issues with fallback cache
  • Added more tests to improve stability

2.0.5 – November 15th, 2018

  • Fix PHP notices when handling fallback values

2.0.4 – October 26th, 2018

  • Added a new object cache fallback for File storage (default alt cache) so if any writes fail it will save them to the normal object cache; You can disable this by setting define( 'PODS_ALT_CACHE_FALLBACK', false );

2.0.3 – October 23rd, 2018

  • Fixed cases where transients/object cache could be used by Pods before Pods Alt Cache fully loads
  • Updated WP compatibility version
  • PHPCS fixes

2.0.2 – June 2nd, 2017

  • Revamped branding assets
  • Fixed php notice
  • Fixed usage of Memcached port to be an integer

2.0.1 – July 13th, 2016

  • Fixed cache file/folder deleting bug that wouldn’t let Pods clear / preload caches properly
  • Typo fix (props @szepeviktor)

2.0 – June 23rd, 2016

  • Added support for a Memcache caching (props @shaer)
  • Added support for WP_Filesystem usage instead of using PHP directly
  • Added additional WPEngine compatibility
  • Refactored into a better OO pattern so the code is easier to use and extend
  • Added ability to create custom storage types through the pods_alternative_cache_storage_types filter, return $storage_types; where you’ve set $storage_types[ 'your_type' ] = 'Your_Class';
  • File storage now uses md5-based folder structure to avoid issues on sites with a large amount of cached objects to avoid having folders with too many files in them which could cause issues with certain hosts
  • Found a bug? Have a great feature idea? Get on GitHub and tell us about it and we’ll get right on it: github.com/pods-framework/pods-alternative-cache/issues/new

1.0 – April 16th, 2014

  • First official release!