Plurk for WordPress displays yours latest plurks in your WordPress blog.
* Simply
* Customizable
* Widget support
* No options page (yes, its a feature)
* Uses WordPress resources (no extra files needed)
If you use WordPress widgets, just drag the widget into your sidebar and configure. If widgets are not your thing, use the following code to display your public Plurk messages:
<?php plurk_messages("username"); ?>
For more info (options, customization, etc.) visit the plugin homepage.
The plug in provides the following CSS classes:
* ul.plurk: the main ul (if list is activated)
* li.plurk-item: the ul items (if list is activated)
* p.plurk-message: each one of the paragraphs (if msgs > 1)
* .plurk-timestamp: the timestamp span class
* a.plurk-link: the tweet link class
Ronald Heft – The plugin is highly based in his Pownce for WordPress, so the major part of the credits goes to him.
Michael Feichtinger – For the multi-widget feature.
Suggestion, fixes, rants, congratulations, gifts et al to rick[at]
Drop plurk-for-Wordpress folder (or even plurk.php) into /wp-content/plugins/ and activate the plug in the WordPress admin area.
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