XML Sitemap for PDFs for Yoast SEO


This plugin adds an XML sitemap for PDFs. It adds this XML sitemap to the sitemap_index.xml that Yoast SEO generates.
It has no settings.

Have you found an issue?

If you have bugs to report, please go to the plugin’s GitHub repository. For security issues, please use our vulnerability disclosure program, which is managed by PatchStack. They will assist you with verification, CVE assignment, and, of course, notify us.


  • Example PDF XML sitemap.
  • Example of PDF XML sitemap linked in Index Sitemap.


  1. Upload the files to the /wp-content/plugins/pdf-sitemap/ directory or install through WordPress directly.
  2. Activate the ‚XML Sitemap for PDFs for Yoast SEO‘ plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to your site’s sitemap_index.xml file and click on from there.


Will this include PDFs uploaded through forms?

The plugin only scans folders with numeric names, so it won’t add files that have been uploaded through forms.

Does this plugin cache its output?

Yes, the plugin scans the uploads folder once per day and saves that data to a transient. When you upload a new PDF file
that cache is cleared automatically.

Does this plugin work on multisite?

This plugin has not been tested on multisite.

Where can I report issues?

On this plugin’s GitHub repository.


14. August 2024
It works as described. Very easy to do (nothing to do but activate it), working alongside Yoast.
4. Juni 2023
Worked exactly as described. PDF’s are now included in the Yoast xml sitemap. Submitted the sitemap to Google Search Console and inspected a URL with pdf, and it was reported as found in the sitemap. Installed this plugin in an effort to set canonical for pdf. I have not had much success with creating rewrite rules and wish that the plugin had an option like „set as canonical“. Thanks anyway!
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  • Fix a bug (#1)that would cause the cache not to be used.
  • Fix a bug (#2) that would cause image dimensions to be missing.


  • Fixed a potential notice for an unset variable.
  • Renamed some filters for consistency.


  • First version.