Show all your Events managed with CiviCRM in your frontend.
We are not part of the CiviCRM-Team so we can not support CiviCRM related questions.
This Plugin is still alpha and work in progress.
So if something does not work properly leave a comment with your wordpress and your CiviCRM version.
We will try to fix issues as soon as possible.
You can also post suggestions for new Features.
You can use the Plugin with the shortcode
Change Notes
First Realease
Fixed warning, when plugin was activated
Only loads Events, when shortcode is rendered
Copy the folder into you plugins folder and activate the Plugin in your Dashboard.
- Installation Instructions
Copy the folder into you plugins folder and activate the Plugin in your Dashboard.
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Mitwirkende & Entwickler
„CiviCRM Event List“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
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