This plugin has been closed as of 2. April 2024 and is not available for download. This closure is permanent. Grund: Autor-Anfrage.
18. August 2022
This plugin does not work. First, it couldn’t query the customer emails for the date range I entered and I know there were orders within that time period. Second, after I manually entered a comma separated list of emails and saved the product to trigger the email, it only sent out the email to the very first email in the list. I know this by looking in the email sending log for the transactional email service we use to send out emails from our site.
17. Feber 2021
This plugin queries the customer emails just fine and sends the emails. There are a few issues though:
Emails cannot be personalised – it would be great if you could use user profile data in the email, for example: Hi {FirstName}
Email formatting is terrible – new lines don’t work as expected and you can’t set content type (plain text or html).
Is there a plan to release a premium version that addresses these shortcomings of the plugin? If not, can you share a github repo link? I would be more than happy to help with the added functionality!
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