Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

My Twitter Ticker


WordPress port of very nice Twitter Ticker from Tutorialzine.com powered by jQuery & Twitter’s Search API.

It’ll show your or your friends‘ latest tweets and will not require server side code or databases.
The widget uses its own css file so it can be easily modified.

For more information and live demo visit the home page of this plugin.

Credit goes to Tutorialzine.com


For more information and live demo visit the home page of this plugin.


  • Widget appearance
  • Configuration interface


  1. Drop the ‚my-twitter-ticker‘ folder into your ‚wp-content/plugins‘ folder

  2. Go to your Administration: Plugins page and activate the „My Twitter Ticker“ plugin

To configure:

  1. Go to Appearance: Widgets
  2. Move (drag and drop) the widget to your desired location in the active sidebar.
  3. Click on the small right arrow to display widget options.
  4. Enter title
  5. Enter your favorite Twitter user names (IDs) you want to display -> Must be separated by comma !!! e.g. mashable,TechCrunch
  6. Enter number of tweets you want to display in total (default is 20)
  7. If you want to display nice twitter icon click the checkbox.


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  • initial release