MSTW Bracket Builder


  • Sample Tournament Bracket [shortcode]
  • Sample Tournament Games/Fixtures Table [shortcode]
  • Create/configure Tournament (admin) [shortcode]
  • Edit/update Tournament [shortcode]


All the normal installation methods for WordPress plugins work. See the installation manual page for details.
Upon installation make sure the WP default timezone is set correctly in the WordPress Settings->General screen.


27. Dezember 2017 3 replies
Unable to add teams to some tournaments, on the ones that you can, when you update the tournament brackets, it overwrites all games with the game 1 information. Too many errors in log to make it worthwhile figuring out the issues.
3. September 2016
Works for me! (WP 4.5, PHP 5.5, Twenty Eleven and Twenty Twelve themes) Basic, but many more cool features to follow.
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  • The major purpose of this release was to remove the each() construct because it has been removed from PHP 8.0.
  • Cleaned up a couple of minor bugs.
  • Some improvements to the admin screens.


  • Extensive changes to the plugin’s stylesheet to insure brackets layout correctly (in containers with a min-width of 1200px)
  • Fixed Bug. Tourney slug now shows correctly On the Tournaments admin screen’s table.
  • Fixed Bug. Team Names that have not been entered now display as blank rather than -1.


  • Fixed bug. Calls mstw_bb_get_current_post_type instead of mstw_get_current_post_type in mstw_bb_admin (left over from LM).
  • Fixed bug (left-over test code) in single-tourney.php template.
  • Fixed bug. Call to mstw_safe_ref(), which no longer exists.
  • Fixed bugs (typos) with CSS tags.
  • Updated Quick Start Screen
  • Added more error checking and internationalized strings throughout


  • Initial release.