With Hide Shop Categories for Woocommerce you can hide categories and subcategories from the shop page, category page and product page.
This can be useful if you want to temporarly hide some categories from your shop without the need to delete them.
When a category is disabled also the url of the category page (i.e. returns a 404 error.
- Disable/Enable categories from Woocommerce directly from the Category manager (Products->Categories)
Woocommerce plugin version: ^3.4
From the admin backend click on Products->Categories. The column Disabled is added to the categories list. Mark the checkbox to disable, unmark to enable.
Release 1.0
Initial release.
From WordPress dashboard
Plugins > Add New
Search for “Hide Shop Categories for Woocommerce”
Click Install
Activate Hide Shop Categories for Woocommerce from your Plugins page
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