

This plugin has been closed as of 17. Dezember 2024 and is not available for download. This closure is temporary, pending a full review.


25. Feber 2024
Love this one, I needed a plugin that let me put my website in maintenance for my clients in few minutes, with this plugin, you can do it even faster. I also liked the great feature that execute a complete log-out for all currently signed-in users with a single click.
28. November 2023
Simple and easy to use, this plugin has a range of great features that make website maintenance a breeze. The user interface is intuitive, making it accessible even to those who are not tech-savvy.
Lies alle 14 Rezensionen

Mitwirkende & Entwickler

„Maintenance & Coming Soon Redirect Animation“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:


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