Once you have installed and activated it, you can check the following activities.
- Super lightweight and it doesn’t affect site’s performances.
- It has passed over 100 patterns unit test, you can use it with confidence in the enterprise.
- Extensible event saving logs, so you can develop own add-ons for collecting it.
- Saving logs the following activities on WordPress
- Publish, update or delete published posts.
- Activate or deactivate plugins or themes.
- Updating WordPress core, plugins, language files.
- Users login action
- Login and posting via XML-RPC
- PHP errors (On the debug mode, it also save Warning and Notice)
- WP-CLI command ready.
Detail of saving logs
- WordPress
- Core updates
- Plugin/Theme updates
- Language updates
- Post/Page/Attachment
- Created
- Updated
- Deleted
- Plugin
- Activated
- Deactivated
- Theme
- Switched
- User
- Logged in
- Authenticated
- Created
- Updated
- Deleted
- Errors
- Warnings (WP_DEBUG only)
- Notices (WP_DEBUG only)
Get a list of logs.
$ wp log list --posts_per_page=5
Get a list of specific level of logs.
$ wp list --level=error --posts_per_page=5
- Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- Installation Instructions
- Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
Mitwirkende & Entwickler
„Logbook“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
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