This plugin has been closed as of 19. November 2024 and is not available for download. Grund: Sicherheitsproblem.
25. August 2022
Just works as it should.
23. April 2020
Easy, light and efficient
Just what you need to block abusive users quickly!
22. Juli 2019
It does exactly what it should do.
Efficient and simple to use.
30. März 2018
Like the plugin very much. There are still improvements areas:
– Would like to see the locked column in Users (admin) sortable.
– In that same column I would like to see a button „Lock/Unlock“ per user right next to the check mark.
That would really make this a 5-star plugin!
24. März 2017
This is really a smart, fast and very light plugin to lock user accounts with the custom error message we can change any time.
24. März 2017
1 reply
Lock user account plugin is surprisingly simple to use and it do what it claims to do. Half of my problems are solved by this plugin. I will be really happy to see its BuddyPress version.
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