

Listo is a simple plugin that supplies other plugins and themes with commonly used lists.


$countries = listo(
    // List type
    // Options
        'group' => 'un',
        'orderby' => 'value',
        'order' => 'DESC',


  1. Upload the entire listo folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress.


29. August 2020
LISTO is an excellent little addition to Contact Form 7. Saves lots of time. Only one small snag in the list of countries is that they’re sorted in alphabetical order of the 3-letter code for each country, rather than the country’s name. Most of the time that makes hardly any difference, except for the United Kingdom, whose three-letter code is GBR, which places the UK between Gabon and Guinea (or somewhere around there) in the drop-down list, making it v diff to find. But this is easily sorted. Just manually move that line by editing the list in the file countries.php in wp-content/plugins/listo/modules/. Problem solved. Great plugin.
11. Mai 2020
Excellent and useful plugin, unfortunately list countries are not accurately by alphabetical order. Thanks to the community, add this to you function.php and it will work like a charm. function wpcf7_listo_ordered( $data) { sort($data); return $data; } add_filter( ‚wpcf7_form_tag_data_option‘, ‚wpcf7_listo_ordered‘, 11, 1 );
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  • New list module: emoji_flags — Unicode emoji flag sequences
  • Introduces the Listo_DataList class and the datalist shortcode.
  • Adds the telephone_country_codes and telephone_country_codes_noflag data list types.
  • Adds utility methods to the countries_a2a3 and telephone_country_codes list modules.


  • Updates country names in modules/countries.php.
  • Adds support of the orderby and order options to listo().
  • Adds modules/countries-a2a3.php as the mapping table of ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 and Alpha-3 codes.
  • Adds modules/telephone-country-codes.php as the list of ITU-T E.164 country calling codes.
  • Requires WordPress 6.4+.