Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.



Linkedin_Oauth allows users to login or optional register into your wordpress site using their linkedin account, it will set a login button on your login page and uses a shortcode to put the button wherever you want it to show.

Major features in Linkedin_Oauth include:

  • Add a button to the login page of WordPress.
  • Allow to locate the login button wherever user wants with shortcodes.
  • Allow to set a redirection URL after login for any page or post.
  • Allow to set if user can register with their Linkedin credentials if does not exists on Worpdress or just an error login message.

PS: You’ll need to set an id and secret pass on Linkedin developers API, just go to this web site and create an application https://www.linkedin.com/secure/developer.


  • Adds a Button to login your wp-admin
  • You have to set an id and secret pass on Linkedin developers API
  • Provides a back-end to include your id and secret pass also your redirect URL and if user can register with this button
  • Provide a Widget to add a Login Button with or without Title and Short Description
  • Metabox to add Login URL to the Menu


Upload the Linkedin_Oauth plugin to your blog, Activate it, then enter your id and Secret and redirect after login URL.

1, 2, 3: You’re done!


3. September 2016
This was the third plugin offering LinkedIn sign-in capabilities, and the first one which delivers what it promises. It is not over-complicated. IT worth 5 starts for me. Especially after spending hours with the previous two … 🙂 Many thanks, Pablo!
3. September 2016
I had a need for only allowing linkedin – don’t need the other social platforms – this fits the bill. Very solid. Reliable. Code is clean. Developer is responsive. Recommended.
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Release Date – 05th July, 2015

  • First Release


Release Date – 20 May, 2015

  • Change of fullprofile request for basicprofile request on the URL call to Linkedin as per new linkedin API rules
  • Deleted some image resize function that didn’t work in certain servers
  • It will not show the button until you enter at least id and secret keys


Release Date – 16 Jun, 2015

*Added .pot file for translations and Spanish language for admin, also Spanish text button


Release Date – 10n Jul, 2015

*Added a Widget to put the login button, provides Title and Description Fields


Release Date – 08 Aug, 2015

*Change functions in order to work with WP4.3


Release Date – 20 Dec, 2015

*Added metabox in menu to add a menu Login that also change to Logged with a logout URL once user is logged in
*Deleted the function for download the linkedin user image to avoid php errors
*New option to generate Username from Name and Lastname of linkedin or Name and aleatory string.