Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Laiser Tag Insights


Laiser Tag Insights is designed to work in combination with the Laiser Tag automated WordPress tagging plugin to visualize the performance of your structured content in organic search, and search relevance. This is achieved by connecting the Laiser Tag Insights plugin to your Google Webmaster Tools data for your website.

Laiser Tag Insights also provides analysis on your most popular content from the last 30 days, showing the top articles, their tags, and the search terms used to find them.


  • Comparison of all content vs. structured content clicks and views
  • % of tagged content impressions
  • % of tagged content as conversions
  • Tagged CTR
  • Comparison of all content vs. structured content search position performance
  • Top tags by impressions
  • Top tags by clicks
  • Top content analysis


Once configured, Laiser Tag Insights is fully automatic. Simply select the Laiser Tag Insights button from the menu, and view the charts according to the time period specified (7 days, Bi-Weekly, Monthly)

Extend Functionality

Laiser Tag Plus

Utilize the Laiser Tag Plus plugin to get content authoring tools that allow you to see what tags are available for your content while you are creating it. The Laiser Tag Plus plugin also allows you to preview Flickr images which are relevant to your posts, and use the Open Calais PermID tags.

Laiser Tag*

Laiser Tag automatically tags existing and created content based on a user-selectable level of relevance. The plugin operates automatically, and is particularly useful for sites with large existing content libraries, syndication, or for users who wish to use the Laiser Tag Insights plugin to visualize their organic search and structured content performance.

*required to use the Laiser Tag Insights plugin


  • Top Tag List
  • Tag Click/Impressions Graph
  • Tag SEO Positions
  • Top Article Metrics
  • Admin Section


  1. Upload the plugin files to the your plugin directory, directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ screen in WordPress
  3. Go to Laiser Tag -> LT Insights Settings to start the plugin configuration.
  4. Click on „Create LT Insights Connection“ in order to allow Laiser Tag Insights access to your Google Webmaster account.
  5. Follow the instructions from Google. You will be redirected back to your site when the connection is created.
  6. You’re done! Please wait for Laiser Tag to begin compiling metrics for your site. This should occur within 24 hours.


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  • Major UI changes; enhanced display and ease of use
  • Added better error and status reporting
  • Added top article metrics section


  • Updated the API endpoints domain to correct HTTPS issues


  • Color change to the Tag percentage graphs for better readability


  • Fixed an issue with the LTI menu links not loading or rendering properly


  • Initial version.