Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Kenzap Steps


A beautiful and easy customizable set of Gutenberg blocks to create steps section for the new editor. Easily adjust the following parameters:

List Steps as carousel
Set background color or image
Wide and narrow layout support
5 different layouts


  • Steps layout variation 1
  • Steps layout variation 2
  • Steps layout variation 3
  • Steps layout variation 4
  • Steps layout variation 5


Dieses Plugin unterstützt 5 Blöcke.

  • Kenzap Steps 4
  • Kenzap Steps 2
  • Kenzap Steps 3
  • Kenzap Steps 5
  • Kenzap Steps 1


This plugin can be installed directly from your site.

  1. Log in and navigate to Plugins → Add New.
  2. Type „Kenzap Steps” into the Search and hit Enter.
  3. Locate the Kenzap Steps plugin in the list of search results and click Install Now.
  4. Once installed, click the Activate link.
  5. Go to Pages > Add New > Find Steps block.
  6. Adjust Container > Max width setting if elements are not displayed properly.

It can also be installed manually.

  1. Download the Kenzap Steps plugin from WordPress.org.
  2. Unzip the package and move to your plugins directory.
  3. Log into WordPress and navigate to the Plugins screen.
  4. Once installed, click the Activate link.
  5. Go to Pages > Add New > Find Kenzap Steps blocks.
  6. Adjust Container > Max width setting if elements are not displayed properly.


  1. What is this plugin for?
    To extend your current theme with Steps section

  2. Why columns look narrow?
    Depending on your front page container layout type you may need to reduce Max width property in Inspector container


1. Feber 2019
Hi, Kenzap, I am learning guten blocks development and found you at github. All blocks you developed are simple and useful, really like them. Why not bundle them into a single plugin.
Lies alle 2 Rezensionen

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New: Initial release