A simple plugin to decolorize the colorful admin menu icons added by some plugins like NextGEN Gallery, Meow Apps / Perfect Images, Wordfence Security, and many more.
No setup required – simply activate the plugin to decolorize the admin menu icons.
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Mitwirkende & Entwickler
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Version Numbering
Version components: {major}.{minor}.{bugfix}[-{stage}.{level}]
- {major} = Major structural code changes and/or incompatible API changes (ie. breaking changes).
- {minor} = New functionality was added or improved in a backwards-compatible manner.
- {bugfix} = Backwards-compatible bug fixes or small improvements.
- {stage}.{level} = Pre-production release: dev < a (alpha) < b (beta) < rc (release candidate).
Changelog / Release Notes
Version 1.0.0 (2022/01/11)
- New Features
- Initial release.
- Improvements
- None.
- Bugfixes
- None.
- Developer Notes
- None.
- Requires At Least
- PHP v7.4.33.
- WordPress v5.9.